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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Project 7

My Passion

My Sentence

Video to my students

Video for my students

Project 3

Blog Post 5 part 1

So far i have looked up exactly what a PLN is to begin with. Once i figured out what exactly that is i have looked up more examples that teachers have used before. I then began to decide which age group i would want to teach and work with and i decided high school 9-12. This is as far as i have got in making my PLN thus far.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Blog Post 4: What questions do we ask? How do we ask questions?

I believe the most important part of questions is thoroughly thinking about them before asking or making them. This is half the battle alone. As a student we are told that there are no such tings as stupid questions. As a student we don't believe this, but as teachers this is definitely true. In Ben Johnson's "The Right Way to Ask Questions." when he asks have we ever thought how silly a teacher could be. As a student we never really question a teacher's seriousness. He says as a teacher stands in front of so many different students acting like we know everything then go back and asks the students questions kind of contradicts that belief. In "Asking Questions to Improve learning Questioning styles and Strategies" I took away that it is important to not only think about the question you are about to ask but also wait until the speaker is done because you might be asking a question that is about to be answered just shortly. In Joanne Chelsey's YouTube video she talks about open and closed-ended questions. Chelsey says that close-ended questions are structured so that the answer can be yes or no, as where open-ended questions have to have a more in depth answer and usually requires some explanation.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Project 15

In this post i will review 8 search engines that i have used and give links to each one.
1. wolfram alpha: I searched the words super bowl, I did not expect go get literally all the statistics one would want to know. Very cool will definitely use again.
2. duckduckgo: I also searched the words super bowl with this search engine and it brought up multiple articles from different news outlets with a a preview of each one also like this search engine.
3. dogpile web search: When i searched super bowl in this engine it brought up a lot of ads. When im searching for something i dont want ads, I didn't like this engine.
4. blekko: when i first went onto this page it had trending topics i liked that. When i searched super bowl, it gave me literally everything by category from quick answer, to history, and even shopping for apparel. I will definitely use this one again.
5. chacha: when i open chacha there are ads eveywhere i don't like that, and it gave really crappy search results. Will not use this again.
6. ixquick: this engine searched any article pertaining to the super bowl but really wasn't anything special.
7. wow: This engine did the samething as ixquick. Nothing special.
8. contenko: This engine did not load anything when i searched for super bowl. Will not use this again.

C4T Summary 1

Post 1 by David Warlick is called "20 Mbps & We're still searching the same things." This article showed google searches from 2000 and 2014, and the only difference is the names of the things we are searching for. These items include video games, sports, entertainment, and world shaping issues. I commented that I was shocked how little the list has changed and that this just goes to show that we as Americans are still focusing on the samethings as 14 years ago

Post 2 the article "A nation in Decline", in this article Mr. Warlick addresses the issue of children in lower class and the effects that their test scores are having on teachers. He says that in North Carolina a teacher can be fired if test scores are not where an administrator wants them to be. With 51% of students coming from a lower income home teachers are being set up to fail. If the government does not help our schools this country will never get any smarter. I commented that i agree that our government needs to intervene. If not then nobody will want to be a teacher anymore because of fear of failing.

Here is a ling to MR. Warlick's blog

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Blog Post 3 What is Peer Editing?

What is peer editing and how is it useful? Peer editing is very crucial to a students academic career. Peer editing is when a student gets other students to read and edit their work. This is useful because as a student we need to be able to have our work looked at with another perspective. As students we have to realize that we are trying to help each other when we are editing each others work. People can handle constructive criticism but as an editor we have to be careful not to bash or tear down another person's work. If we use harsh comments this will discourage the writer and make them not want to fix their writing and possible keep them from writing in the future.
This is a picture of students peer editing