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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Blog post 13

When I sat down and began to think about a specific field that wasn't covered I thought of my own, coaching. As a coach I know that I won't use as much technology as every day teachers but I will still use technology. I believe maybe a day or two could have been to what coaches can use in a classroom. Other then that I didn't really see anything that wasn't addressed in class.


  1. What is the assignment that you would give for a project or blog post?

  2. I think this is reasonable for a coach actually. Players have more on their plates to write an actual blog about practice. Maybe you could consider following their Facebook and Twitter feeds to watch their bragging!!

  3. I know you said there really alot of technology you could use for coach, but is there one you could think of that you could use ? I was thinking the Go Pro gaget. I know its a great tool coaches uses to get immediate feedback of their players' game.
