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Sunday, April 26, 2015

Blog Post 5 Part B

When I came into this class last spring i had no clue what a PLN was nor did i want to honestly. After being in the class i realized that i can incorporate a PLN in a PE class. Our group came up with an idea that will take course over a semester. It will involve counting calories, counting steps, counting push ups, and striving to be more healthy over the semester. We will break our children up into groups and give them biweekly goals to blog about. IF a student doesn't have access to a laptop to write the blog then we will accept hand written reports by the students. We have also made rewards which we will discuss in our presentation Tuesday.

Blog Post 14

For this post I had to read Joel Klein's Teaching our children can be a profession column. In this column he brings up a few a few issues that we will face in the education workplace. I will address the issue and solutions in this post.
The first issue that I came across is that, Most teachers get hired because they have degrees. The solution to this problem is that school systems should have more requirements then just having a degree.
The next issue is that the older teachers will be chose first because of experience. The solution to this is that it's not right to choose an educator because of experience. No offense to an elderly educator but they usually have issues controlling their classroom.
The final issue is that some educators don't feel as if teaching is their profession. If a person wants to be an educator they should understand how important and vital they are to their children.
In conclusion there are some valid issues brought to the table by Mr. Klein, but they are also easily fixed. In today's society we are training children to know the bare minimum, which is how they will live the rest of their lives. With this attitude our classrooms and schools will fail.

C4K Summary April

The only C4K i had for this month a student wrote about going to tennessee for vacation. I thought this was really cool because i myself went to tennessee for spring break and thats what i replied with.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

C4T summar post #4

In the first post of this C4T series I read a blog post about blood pressure. I myself struggle with blood pressure issues so i can relate and understand what the author is trying to get across. He talks about the different things that go into high blood pressure. Most people have no idea what all effects their blood pressure and in this post the author just elaborates and wants to inform his reader about high blood pressure. My reply to him did include that i myself suffer from high blood pressure and that i think it is great that he is trying to make known the dangers of this issue.
In this post i read about what the common core is. I honestly had no idea what this guy was even talking about when he was referring to the common core. As i continued reading i began to realize exactly what the common core is. It is a set of rules and standards that teachers need to follow when making and applying a lesson plan for their classroom. I did not understand how this would apply to me being a PE major. So i began reading more into it and saw that no matter what class we as educators teach we need to apply this common core to the classroom. This is what i acknowledged in my comment on his post.
Post 3: IN the post i read the author Brian Bennett is talking about an app he used when his business was going out of business called Kahoot. He talks about how he had a few issues with the terms of service and how he expressed them on social media. Little did he know that the CEO of Kahoot reached out to him via twitter and they were able to discuss issues with the TOS that Mr. Bennett encountered. He then listed a few of the issues that were discussed. The reason that there were issues with the TOS is because Kahoot is a Norwegian company so thats why there was a descrepency about the TOS. My response to Mr. Bennett is that its awesome how a CEO will take time out to respond to users of their products. If more companies in the USA would do this their business would thrive in my opinion.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Blog Post 13

I have enjoyed each blog post and project throughout the year. But there have not been any blogs or projects that reflect what a coach/PE teacher can use. I think that every future teacher should be prepared to teach in a PE class. Not only will it further our education as educators but also help our future employers with flexibility. I think that a project or blog post that you could incorporate would be find technology that a PE teacher or coach can use on a daily basis. I am currently a coach at faith academy for their varsity football team. On a daily basis i use tons of different technology. For example we have film sessions every monday wednesday and thursday. We use a laptop and a projector I also use an Ipad to communicate with other players as well as coaches. I think that it is important for all teachers to understand what coaches go through.

C4T #4

Post 1: IN the post i read the author Brian Bennett is talking about an app he used when his business was going out of business called Kahoot. He talks about how he had a few issues with the terms of service and how he expressed them on social media. Little did he know that the CEO of Kahoot reached out to him via twitter and they were able to discuss issues with the TOS that Mr. Bennett encountered. He then listed a few of the issues that were discussed. The reason that there were issues with the TOS is because Kahoot is a Norwegian company so thats why there was a descrepency about the TOS. My response to Mr. Bennett is that its awesome how a CEO will take time out to respond to users of their products. If more companies in the USA would do this their business would thrive in my opinion.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Blog Post 12

C4T #3

In the first post of this C4T series I read a blog post about blood pressure. I myself struggle with blood pressure issues so i can relate and understand what the author is trying to get across. He talks about the different things that go into high blood pressure. Most people have no idea what all effects their blood pressure and in this post the author just elaborates and wants to inform his reader about high blood pressure. My reply to him did include that i myself suffer from high blood pressure and that i think it is great that he is trying to make known the dangers of this issue.
In this post i read about what the common core is. I honestly had no idea what this guy was even talking about when he was referring to the common core. As i continued reading i began to realize exactly what the common core is. It is a set of rules and standards that teachers need to follow when making and applying a lesson plan for their classroom. I did not understand how this would apply to me being a PE major. So i began reading more into it and saw that no matter what class we as educators teach we need to apply this common core to the classroom. This is what i acknowledged in my comment on his post.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Blog Post 11

There is a lot to learn from the teachers in the videos we were assigned. If you were not sure whether to use PBL these videos help reassure you. I found the first video with Mr. Brian back to the future very interesting and neat. He took a class where barely any of the students knew what country they lived in and got them to talk to people all over the world to get them to know more of their surroundings. The students also learned that they need to be aware of what they say around other people. Mr. Crosby made it possible for a student with leukemia to come to class via Skype. The entire class made her feel welcome when the call was answered. In the video making things visible mark church asked his students to write down what they think human origins is all about the kids also discussed it with in the class. When they are done they had to make a story board and present it to the class. There are 3 key aspects in this one project critical thinking, collaborating with their classmates and presenting it. In the video Sam Payne 4th grade the students are taught the importance of Internet safety.