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Sunday, April 5, 2015

Blog Post 11

There is a lot to learn from the teachers in the videos we were assigned. If you were not sure whether to use PBL these videos help reassure you. I found the first video with Mr. Brian back to the future very interesting and neat. He took a class where barely any of the students knew what country they lived in and got them to talk to people all over the world to get them to know more of their surroundings. The students also learned that they need to be aware of what they say around other people. Mr. Crosby made it possible for a student with leukemia to come to class via Skype. The entire class made her feel welcome when the call was answered. In the video making things visible mark church asked his students to write down what they think human origins is all about the kids also discussed it with in the class. When they are done they had to make a story board and present it to the class. There are 3 key aspects in this one project critical thinking, collaborating with their classmates and presenting it. In the video Sam Payne 4th grade the students are taught the importance of Internet safety.


  1. Hey Hunter!
    I agree that the videos this week assured us that PBL actually works! I think Mr. Brian is the most inspirational! Good post!

  2. This is extremely brief. You could have elaborated a lot more on what the videos were about and what you learned from them.
