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Sunday, March 29, 2015

Blog Post 10

In the video of Mrs. Kathy Cassidy she speaks about how long she has incorporated technology in the classroom and how exactly she does so. Mrs. Cassidy started about 10 years ago when 5 computers were placed in her classroom for her students to use. She has been blogging for 5 years now and has also been recording videos for the last 2 years of her class. Mrs. Cassidy also has a portfolio of all the children so they can keep their work together and organized. The kids love this because it helps them keep up with their work.
In the next interview with Mrs. Cassidy she speaks about how she doesn't use social media in her personal life. She believes that you should use social media for what interests you. Dr. Strange also had input on social media and how it has effected his life.
In the third interview with Mrs. Cassidy Dr. Strange gave his students a chance to ask her some questions. One question was about how often do her children blog? She makes them blog at least once a week. She states that blogs are not meant for cheating but communicating so that the children can use their peers ideas to create their own.

1 comment:

  1. Hunter, your post is very well written. I love how Mrs. Cassidy incorporates technology in her classroom. I really enjoyed how she makes a video with her students throughout the year. Making video is similar to a few ideas I have for my future classroom. Keep up the good work!
