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Sunday, March 22, 2015

Blog Post 9

What can we as teachers learn from PBL? This is a question that someone can take and write a book with in all honesty. There is so much that we as teachers can learn from project based learning or PBL. In The Seven Essentials For Project Based Learning it shows exactly what project based learning is, I believe that every teacher should use pbl in some form. The only way for pbl to be effective is that the students are interested in the project. If students are not interested in the project given there is not point in giving the students a project to begin with. In the next video Mr. Tony Vincent quotes Einstein in saying, "I never teach my pupils. I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn". This is project based learning in a nut shell. We as teachers do not teach our student, but give them a topic or question and let their creativity take off.
In the video PBL: What motivates Students Today real students are interviewed about what motivates them. This can help us teachers understand ways that we can help our students want to learn. The most overwhelming answer from students is that they liked to be rewarded for their work, which makes sense. We as adults also like to be rewarded for our hard work. There are many positives to project based learning for teachers as well as students. But there are more ways to still be discovered.

1 comment:

  1. Hunter, I completely agree with you! There are so many opportunities and ideas when it comes to Project Based Learning. I think that we as educators have so many ways to incorporate learning with hands-on reciprocal teaching. We teach our students and we also learn from them in their responses and answers.
    Great post
