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Sunday, March 29, 2015

Blog Post 10

In the video of Mrs. Kathy Cassidy she speaks about how long she has incorporated technology in the classroom and how exactly she does so. Mrs. Cassidy started about 10 years ago when 5 computers were placed in her classroom for her students to use. She has been blogging for 5 years now and has also been recording videos for the last 2 years of her class. Mrs. Cassidy also has a portfolio of all the children so they can keep their work together and organized. The kids love this because it helps them keep up with their work.
In the next interview with Mrs. Cassidy she speaks about how she doesn't use social media in her personal life. She believes that you should use social media for what interests you. Dr. Strange also had input on social media and how it has effected his life.
In the third interview with Mrs. Cassidy Dr. Strange gave his students a chance to ask her some questions. One question was about how often do her children blog? She makes them blog at least once a week. She states that blogs are not meant for cheating but communicating so that the children can use their peers ideas to create their own.

Project 12 A

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Blog Post 9

What can we as teachers learn from PBL? This is a question that someone can take and write a book with in all honesty. There is so much that we as teachers can learn from project based learning or PBL. In The Seven Essentials For Project Based Learning it shows exactly what project based learning is, I believe that every teacher should use pbl in some form. The only way for pbl to be effective is that the students are interested in the project. If students are not interested in the project given there is not point in giving the students a project to begin with. In the next video Mr. Tony Vincent quotes Einstein in saying, "I never teach my pupils. I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn". This is project based learning in a nut shell. We as teachers do not teach our student, but give them a topic or question and let their creativity take off.
In the video PBL: What motivates Students Today real students are interviewed about what motivates them. This can help us teachers understand ways that we can help our students want to learn. The most overwhelming answer from students is that they liked to be rewarded for their work, which makes sense. We as adults also like to be rewarded for our hard work. There are many positives to project based learning for teachers as well as students. But there are more ways to still be discovered.

Project 9

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Blog Post 8

What can we learn from Randy Pausch?
There are three topics that Mr. Pausch discussed that should pertain to your career choice, your dreams, enabling the dreams of others and the lessons you learn. First he discusses achieving your dreams. He says that in order to achieve anything in life we must be able to do it in full, and not quit halfway there. He says a major key is that helping others live their dreams will help us achieve our own.
Mr. Pausch has a theory that educator's should always be expanding our mind. He says that when we do this it will help us help others. This will pay off in the long run when we achieve what we are trying to do.
Mr. Pausch is just a man with a vision who is putting it to use. His vision is to make a difference and he wants to help future educators make a difference as well. I hope that i can take what Mr. Pausch and apply it in my classroom so I can also inspire others.
Here is Mr. Pausch's video: Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Blog Post 6

Conversing with Anthony Capps:
After watching the video with MR. Anthony Capps I saw first hand just how effective project based learning can be. All of the projects that he used in his classroom covered multiple subjects, which I found very useful. If a teacher can use one project that cuts down on the time a teacher has to set aside for multiple projects when we can use one project. I also learned that a lot of thought and preparation goes into setting up projects for the class. If a teacher doesn't look into the projects they assign then the students won't want to take part in the projects.
I really like the video "Don't teach tech use it", I learned a lot. As a PE major I repeatedly think how am i going to incorporate technology into my classroom. After watching this video I have learned that its not strictly about using technology in my classroom in the future but rather incorporating it. There are many electronic items i can incorporate in my classroom.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Blog Post 7

Technology is gradually moving into classrooms around the world. This is even more prevelant in America. Technology allows teachers as well as students to broaden their learning spectrum. Technology also allows students to teach themselves, which in some regards is scary. There are ways as students and teachers to control what our children are doing on the internet, using apps and parental protection software. If a child has their own source of technology in the classroom then they can learn at their own speed, say each child has an ipad in the classroom. They can now study, do homework, and research on their own.
In the video 10 reasons to use technology, there are many obvious reasons to use technology in a classroom made obvious in the video. Students already use so much technology on a daily basis that incorporating their homework would probably encourage them to do it more often. The technology resource is also very useful for teachers. Let's be honest we as educators are expected to have all the answers and we don't, with the use of technology in the classroom we can easily find information we don't know.
With technology in classrooms we can show the student real world problems the minutes they happen. As a senior in high school most students are worried what the real world will hold, with technology we can show them real world expenses for those going directly into the workforce so they can understand what they are getting into. As for those expecting to continue their education we can show them litterally what a college class will be like. with some teachers posting their lectures via podcast on the internet. So we can show kids how a college classroom is held.
If we as future educators don't know how to use the internet then we have failed before we set foot in the classroom. I have learned of a few programs that i can successfully use as a coach in the future. I look
to continue to learn about these programms.