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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Blog Post 2: What will teaching in the 21st century be like?

1.) In the first video Professor Dancealot did quite a few things that caught me off guard especially if I was a student in his class. As a teacher the first thing that should have been done is to make sure that all students know what is about to happen, some probably were not expecting him to jump right into demonstrating each dance move, as well as letting the students pair up and practice together. But i do agree that it is crucial to be well organized in class.
2.) After watching Teaching in the 21st Century I feel like Robert is really pushing that each student wants to learn at his or her own pace and should be up to date with the newest technology that is available to use. He also feels that technology is a better way for students to learn as well as study, because technology now can be more interactive then the actual teacher. I also think that as an instructor i shouldn't try to fool anyone out there i don't know everything, and the internet will have more sources and information then i could give.
3.) After watching "The Network Student" I found it really interesting that the teacher somewhat let the child learn at his own pace. Now the student did require some guidance but did most of his learning on his own with technology. I believe that this is the direction that teaching is going as a profession. Where instructors will be more of an adviser rather than an instructor.
4.) After watching " Harness Your Digital Smarts", I once again see that technology is taking over the classroom. This video was very informative especially when it showed how students worked together with their technology, I honestly didn't know that different forms of technology could be used together. Group activities in a class room not only helps the students socialize with each other as well as prepare them for what they are going to do the rest of their lives by working with people
5.) After watching "Flipping the Classroom" I really like the video. This is a great idea by preparing students before class that way they are prepared and know what to expect so nothing surprises them. I also like how the videos can be accessed multiple times, I still have trouble picking up on things the first time I am told or view something. Another great feature is that the students can ask questions which is also very crucial.


  1. "Now the student did require some guidance but did most of his learning on his own with technology. I believe that this is the direction that teaching is going as a profession." You are correct, this is the direction in which education is going. Technology will continue to be used more frequently and become more of a primary source of teaching.

    "Another great feature is that the students can ask questions which is also very crucial." Great point to make, questions are essential to a student's learning. You all will do a blog post on questions and asking the right questions later in the semester.

    Overall, good job. For your blog posts you don't have to number the points, but rather you can divide the blog post into paragraphs or sections for each video or reading.

  2. I really agree with you Hunter, far as the teacher is a adviser more than a instructor. Professor Dancealot gave the students a tricky way to learn the dances. I would have thought maybe the students could demonstrate with each others to learn the dance. The video for technology is giving the newest ways to educate our kids.The video with Flipping the Classroom, was very essential to me because taking notes before class will better prepare you.
